Year and Model of Van £Price

This is a sample of a member advert (free to advertise for members)

Ref 201209


A full description of your vans model, engine, gearbox, mileage, extras fitted to your vehicle. Details could include the number of owners, MOT and any information you wish to put. This would include up to 6 photos of your choice.

Send the six pictures as individual files and the text as a Word document. The pictures work better if they are all landscape or all portrait rather than a mix.

You can list the van if the enquiries go to you the member. You cannot list the van on here if your van is being sold by dealer and the enquiries go to the dealer. This is because we are independent of dealers and cannot support one dealer over another.

Rough UK Location i.e. North West  

Telephone No

Email Address

To Advertise please email details to Phil on the following email address - 

Please note all Committee members are volunteers and I will get onto your request as soon as possible.



YouTube video link here should you wish to provide one.






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